How it Works?
- Assignor specifies and lists at Sell-Rights-Here™ (SRH) the rights to be assigned/transferred to an assignee/transferee.
- Assignee/transferee contacts assignor/transferor, verifies legality, negotiates and consummates the deal by either bartering some of his/her rights in exchange or pay a negotiated assignment/transfer fee to assignor.
- Expired listings are removed from the Sell-Rights-Here™ website, without copy or record kept for re-listing.
Rules and Regulations:
- Rights offered for assignment/transfer/sale/barter/donation must be owned legally by assignor as contractor.
- Assignee, as contracted, must qualify legally and financially to acquire/assume such qualified rights.
- Verification of legality of the transactions is the sole responsibility of the contracting parties.
- SRH is not responsible to verify legality of the transactions of rights in any global/local jurisdiction.
- Rights to barter or sell of unequal value may be supplemented by any crypt-currency and/or legal-tender or goods.
- Transactions are peer-to-peer/person-to-person/entity-to-entity/person-to-entity/entity-to person.
- SRH charges a listing fee to be prepaid through Pay-Pal $ 30 for any and all 30 day listings. New listings are posted promptly.
- Listing is accepted with valid physical address, phone number and email address, and listing fee paid.
- If listing of profanities, illegal or offensive offers are detected, automatic removal without listing fee refund may follow.
- Postings are legal offerings without the obligation of posting the asking-price or barter-value.
- By the assignor only, for $ 5 processing fee, postings may be automatically removed before expiration, however the listing fee will not be refunded.
Listing Form (Sample):
- Assignor (seller/donor) name, with suffix and title: ________________________________________
- Registered physical address or P.O. Box: _______________________________________
- Contact phone: _________________
- Contact email: __________________
- Category of right (chose one from the listed qualifying rights): _______________________
- Right offered (chose from list or describe): ______________________________________
- Specify if the right is offered for sale [ ], barter [ ] or donation [ ]
- Estimated value in USD: ________________ (Optional)
- Asking price in USD: ___________________ (Optional)
- Terms and conditions of payments: _________________________ (Optional)
- Right accepted as compensation (specify if any): __________________________________
- Supplemental or other compensation in USD (if any): __________________________________ (Optional)
- Specification of the offered right ( describe in less than 200 words): ____________________________________________________
- Picture (one 300 x 200 pixels max): ____________ (Optional, Recommended)
- Restrictions: ____________________________________________________________
- Notes (100 words max.): ____________________________________________________________
Qualifying Rights:
Any and all intangibles to which one has a deed or legal right with proof of freely transferable ownership for consideration in the fields of intellectual property and arts, as well as fields related to person, business, real estate, general and other fields, including indefinite and temporary rights.
- Some rights are formed by the act of creation and not by its registration. For instance, copyrights need not be registered to be rightfully transferred, but claimed or marked or as stated such.
- Other rights, for instant patents and trademarks need to be registered, for instant by the USPTO.
- Some rights may fall between the above categories and thus, may or may not be transferred.
- Some rights may be assigned to multiple persons or entities, while some to one or none at all.
- Some rights transfer need to be registered, while some can be transferred without any registration.
- In case of doubt, before listing such offers, it is advisable to consult with legal experts or authorities.
- Online resources, such as Wikipedia, can be a useful resource to clarify and define rights.
- Laws, rules and regulations vary by countries and jurisdictions. Verify these before posting.