Compare Online Listings
A few websites facilitates intellectual property sales, mostly patents and trademarks only, but none of the sales of other rights or intangibles. All tracks transactions and none assures complete privacy.
The following list is given for comparison shopping with key attributes related to price and scope:
Patents only. Large brokerage house. Auctioning twice a year. Cost about $ 15,000. 7-10 months.
Patents. $ 99.95 for lifetime membership fee.
Patents. For un-posted commission only.
Patents. $ 250 fee per auctioning, plus 10-20% seller’s premium.
Mostly patents. Claimed to be the world’s largest. $ 25/month membership fee.
Claimed to be a free listing of IPs.
Patents and Trademarks mostly. $ 30 listing fee plus commissions. Have to be a member to sell.
Mostly German patents and Trademarks. Listing starts at $ 100 in Euro only. 10% seller and buyer fee.
Some lawyers and patent attorneys also advertise selling patents, but do not specify fees. As of 2013 October, basically this is the world out there. Sell-Rights-Here is standing out by its simplicity, very low listing fee and for not tracking, recording or otherwise interfering with seller’s and buyer’s businesses.
To read about the value and the evaluation of contracts transferring rights, you may go to